Yota Devices, the Russian startup that innovated the world’s first dual-screen, always-on smartphone, unveiled the next generation YotaPhone at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. The YotaPhone 2 will offer bigger displays than the first model, with the secondary always-on e-ink display now offering full touch control and many other new hardware and software features, making it even more intuitive and interactive.
With the first generation YotaPhone, notifications and other important information appear automatically on YotaPhone’s always-on display. The next generation YotaPhone allows users to open and respond to these notifications, with just one touch, without having to wake up and activate the color display. Users can immediately respond to mails and SMSs, accept and decline meeting invites and post to social media. The always-on EPD display is 4.7” with higher resolution, greater pixel density and a built-in light. Now you can read comfortably in bright sunlight or in the dark on the always-on display, and still YotaPhone delivers 50+ hours of battery life when reading on the always-on display. The phone will also ship with various apps specifically created to take advantage of the e-ink display on the back. The next generation YotaPhone will be on sale in EMEA and Russia in in the fourth quarter of 2014, and a version for the US and Asian markets will follow three-four months later.