BRUKE8: The New Titanium-Framed Tiny Foldable Bike


Scooters and folding bikes are both becoming popular forms of “last-mile” transportation – riders can carry them aboard buses or trains, then ride them the last few blocks between transit stops and home or work. It’s important that they be compact, however … and Seattle Cycles’ all-titanium Burke 8 is definitely on the small side. Along with its titanium construction and eye-catching looks, some of the Burke 8’s other features include a rear bag, a leather saddle, and itty-bitty fenders At a weight of 7 kg (15 lb), though, it’s not a big deal to carry the Burke 8 for short distances. The Burke 8 should be available next year, although pricing has yet to be determined. The Burke 8 folds down in less than 10 seconds to a 67-inch (170-mm)-long package. The single-speed Burke 8 has a wheelbase of just under 21 inches (530 mm), and folds down in less than 10 seconds to a 67-inch (170-mm)-long package. Once it’s folded, it can still be rolled along on one wheel. At a weight of 7 kg (15 lb), though, it’s not a big deal to carry for short distances. Because of its tiny 8-inch wheels and quirky under-the-seat handlebars, the Burke 8 probably won’t be putting too many traditional bicycles out of a job. According to Seattle Cycles founder Mike Yap, however, it’s not intended to. He tells us that he sees it more as an alternative to a scooter, allowing riders to sit and pedal instead of stand and kick. Along with its titanium construction and eye-catching looks (it brings the A-Bike to mind), some of the Burke 8’s other features include a rear bag, a leather saddle, and itty-bitty fenders. Commercial production should begin by the middle of next year, with pricing currently expected to be “in the range of a high-end single-speed bike.”

By Ben Coxworth from



Schermata 2015-09-21 alle 13.46.18
