In the near future, during a four month worldwide drought, an ordinary man randomly gets picked to be on a famous radio show. He reveals an extraordinary journey of a life, lived like a legend, looking for something he lost: his paradise. Jamal Afina has an out-of-this planet look with a crazy ecological costume, pushing a cart , and with a “hidden” dream to find the lost love of his life, from back when he was working in a circus, before he got amnesia after they tried to shoot him.
From famous Balkanic plays of eastern Europe to training camps in the Sahara desert, and from the US of the 9.11 till the future polluted dry world of 2021, where the story is set, this regular guy’s life will inspire many, especially seven listeners of the Dark Morning Show where he will accidentally tell his story to the satirical chairman, the radio host. The whole world will tune in to listen to the adventures of Jamal Afina. This is the next movie that since autumn 2013 director Yassine Marco Marroccu, works at. A project, based on a script wrote by himself.
Born in Casablanca, of Sardinian father and Moroccan mother, Yassine Marco Marroccu was educated in Italy. He studied at Udine University and spent seven months of placement in Morocco, when was second assistant for the short Les Ombres de la mort (Mohamed Mouftakir, 2003). After that he became first assistant. He collaborated with Moroccan Productions & Services in Cinedina Studios, working as his referee in Italy. In 2004 he created the studio Eclipse. Still in Morocco, he collaborated in the executive production of several foreign productions, being first assistant director in some thirty commercials and films.
As a director, he realized a short called Gnawas in 2003, showcased in several film festivals and aired on Rai 3. His second short, Trr… Issa!!! Blave Runner (2003), was co-directed by Mattia Vale. In 2012 he written and directed the short Entropya, a 20 minutes long sequence shot, starring Driss Roukhe and Amal Ayouch, His first feature film, initially called Trê-Sé-Shalosh and finally released as Three The Movie, co-directed by Elisabetta Minen, was filmed in 2007 but finished and showcased in several film festivals only in 2015. The short video below, will give you an idea about this cool prject on progress.