TOGETHER: David LaChapelle ́s Work To Celebrate Coca-Cola’s 100th Anniversary


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the iconic Coca-Cola ‘Contour’ Bottle, the brand has partnered with leading visionary and world-renowned photographer David LaChapelle to release a powerful creative concept entitled ‘Together’ – the only commercial product you can recreate with human hands. David LaChapelle ́s work is extensive, as well as his experience in the different disciplines, even beyond the photography. His creativity, originality and the excessive but glamorous style at the same time have sealed a very own and coveted style by brands like MTV, Ford, Diesel and H&M, among others. He also has performed as a director of musical videos of well-known musicians as Moby, No doubt, and Elton John. He has published two books and worked in performances and directing movies.
