
It’s not just holidaymakers who need to rest their heads during a long-haul flight. Hard-working cabin crew also need to take some well-deserved time off. But have you ever wondered just where they go during their down time? Due to revenue-generating passenger seats taking priority, Crew Rest Departments (CRCs) after often squashed into confined areas where space is at a premium. These poky staff areas vary in style. Some more luxurious offerings offer airline employees pjyamas and entertainment systems. The rest areas are often hidden in a compartment at the top of the plane, or a sealed off section in the same main cabin as the regular passengers. It contains bunk beds which measure six foot by two-and-a-half and are draped with heavy curtains to muffle out sounds of other crew. On an instruction sign on the door of the secret area, staff are told that Maximum Occupancy is eight crew members, one per bunk and it is not to be occupied during taxi takeoff and landing.They are also told to close and latch the secret door immediately when not in use. Meanwhile Boeing’s enormous 787 has a large loft space above the passenger compartment, where up to five flight attendants can rest. The CRCs in Airbus A350s were once beneath the cockpit and passenger cabin, but were then moved above them to increase cargo space when the design of the whole plane changed. Pilots have their own separate sleeping compartments. ( By Emily Payne from Dailymail.co.uk )





