Designed to surprise the first buyers of the shoe, this limited edition promotional launch box can actually be made from a regular sized Nike shoebox—as shown in the video below, one simply has to cut away the excess cardboard and glue it up again. To demonstrate how impressive the Nike Free 5.0—dubbed “the most flexible shoe in history”—is, Uruguay-based advertising agency Publicis Impetu has created the “Nike Free Box”, a shoebox that is one third the size of the original. To fit inside the box, the Nike Free 5.0 has to be rolled up in half—a condition that perhaps only this model, built for “maximum flexibility”, could withstand. Not only does this unique shoebox showcase the unique feature of the product, it also uses less cardboard and takes up less space. ( Source: ) For more information or to get in touch with the designers we invite you to follow also the links below the video.