
Swags for Homeless is a nationally accredited charity in Australia and is winner of  Australian Human Rights award for best Community Organisation; Australia’s highest honor.  Founder Tony Clark and his wife Lisa designed the live saving Backpack Bed to give dignity to homeless turned away from shelter. It is no mean feat, governments around the world have yet to figure out how to give dignity and protect the human rights of people sleeping on the street. Yet, the internationally acclaimed Backpack Bed has proven; by the support of over 200 homeless authorities and 1000’s of homeless, to improve the health, dignity and comfort of those sleeping on our streets, under bridges and throughout our citiies.


The Backpack Bed has been awarded numerous product design awards including the Worlds largest and most prestigious product design award; the German 2011 Red Dot “Best of the Best”. The Backpack Bed was chosen from 4433 products from 60 countires. The Backpack Bed can also be found on permanant display in 3 international museums. The Goals are: 1) To nationally improve, support and bring back dignity to homeless people. 2) To establish, conduct and manage projects focused on the homeless. 3) To assist and conduct social welfare and relief work including relief of poverty, sickness, suffering and misfortune.


The original idea was to raise money to allow us to manufacture and distribute Backpack Beds to street sleeping homeless people. As a result Swags for Homeless expanded our fundraising model to include social enterprise. But then… The general public demanded to buy the Backpack Bed for themselves As a result Swags for Homeless expanded our fundraising model to include social enterprise. It means that we sell goods to the gereral public and all the profits from the sales go directly to helping us distribute Backpack Beds to homeless people. and uses the funds raised to support their chairtable work. For more information, just follow the link below the video.



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