LINEA: Vanessa Gade’s Jewelry Collection Inspired By The Iconic Architecture From San Francisco


Taking her inspiration from shapes and engineering concepts from San Francisco’s diverse urban landscape, jewell designer Vanessa Gade is launching a whole new jewelry collection titled LINEA. Giving  a little detail about the materials used, Vanessa says that each piece is hand fabricated in precious metals. The holes are precisely plotted, drilled and engineered so that no matter what the design is on the inside, the piece remains perfectly balanced. The chain glides freely and is the focus of the design itself. In this case the function becomes the form, fixed and fluid all at once. Vanessa loves to play with the variables of movement and suspension, creating a piece that is kinetic and sculptural, where the negative space becomes an integral part of the composition. Handcrafted in San Francisco, Vanessa stands for a designer making modern jewelry rooted in traditional craftsmanship. For more information or to get in touch with Vanessa, just follow the link below.






Schermata 2013-11-13 alle 11.29.41