When creativity pushes its boundaries further and further, the result we get is a glimpse of genius work, the more we come closer to a state of creative enlighting the more we get results like the following pictures. “After two photographic experiments (a brief one with a reflex Minolta in the 1980’s and longer one in the 2000’s with a compact camera) I realised in 2010 that my equipment was limited and I purchased my first SLR a digital Canon EOS 550D and I rediscovered photography! I learned self shooting techniques and post-processing in specialized magazines and newsgroups.. I did not hesitate to submit my photos to criticism which is always helpufl! My interest in the photographic activity quickly turned into a passion and it is naturally and almost uwillingly that two centers of activity emerged. First line of my practice : architecture and urban landscapes. Second line: portraits and work on body image, its own language which can generate questions or emotion when the body is staged and photographed in a certain way”- Louis Blanc. It is not easy to look at reality through the eyes of others, but photography, especially in this case, gives to us many suggestions of how the body is seen by artists. Exaggerated dimensions and distorted perspectives attempt to transform the body perception through close-ups. Here bellow you can have a short snack of the wunderful work of Loublanc, but for more pictures, info or to get in touch with him, we invite you to pay a visit to his website at the link bellow.