On the other side of the county, in the capital Reykjavik, Icelanders that were affected by the financial crisis came to inspire Come to Harm by director/photographer Borkur Sigthorsson. Come to Harm is Iceland’s version of Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs. The financial crisis provided Sigthorsson with his location. Filmed in a section of town that had been practically abandoned due to a work stoppage on project housing, the feel of the film is authentically frightening. The short film focuses on, taut and tired businessman Stefan (Björn Thors) who begins a decent into madness when he believes there is an intruder in his home. Following a win at the Reykjavik International Film Festival for Best Short, and nominated for three Edda Awards, reception for Sigthorsson’s film has been so positive that it is rumored he will be working on a full-length script expansion of the film. Borkur Sigthorsson’s earlier film Support in addition to many other Icelandic film goodies can be screened online through Icelandic Cinema Online at the link bellow. ( By Christina Stimpson from www.thefoxisblack.com )