Looking oddly disproportionate, Oriol Llahona’s Numero 1 watch is in interesting juxtaposition of a classic leather band and a hulking, modern steel rectangle. The white gold case features analog, while the steel features the digital design, both intriguing in their own right. Handcrafted and made-to-order the timepiece is a peculiar beast, an odd hybrid of past and present, classic and modern. It’s almost as if it can’t make up it’s mind. Oriol Llahona is born in 1977 in Barcelona. He studied Industrial Design at Elisava Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Universität Essen, University Southampton and Graduated in 1999 and Postgraduated in 2004. Internship at Franc Fernàndez Arquitecte where he learned to extract the essence and simplicity of things. After working under the trademark of Positiu for some years, he established by his own in 2011. His works have been shown at Milan, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Valencia. He designs objects, spaces and ideas providing emotions to our lifes. For more information follow the link below.