If you are searching flowers’ photos in Instagram the best images among the Ukrainians belong to Anna Remarchuk. There is even a special tag – ‘nature in hand’. Usually, it is a flower in a refined female author’s hand in minimalistic style. According to Anna, there is also nature in a cup of tea. Minimalism is her favorite style as seeking the ideal can be endless in this style. Anna’s education is in no way connected neither with art nor with nature. She is a customs lawyer and these were her children who have practically brought her closer to photographic art. She wanted to make good photos of them, but these shots had too many details. It was not clear how to set the photo camera to make a good shot of a jumping child. After finishing the photo school Anna started to fill her boring account with pictures. Anna found inspiration in flowers, as many good or bad Instagram users do. In spring everything blossomed. However, in contrast to the mass of people, Anna wasn’t satisfied with photos of roses in bushes in bad lighting. If one does something, he or she should do it with the high quality. If to look at the flower, then to see it in a way that nobody else does, and Anna succeeded.
Remarchuk is not interested in exploring her own life that surrounds her 24/7. It is better to drive the nature in the apartment and study it, combining housework with creative search. Now Anna is in the list of recommended users, her account has 35 000 subscribers and her friends say: ‘I want a photo from you’. This activity is very feminine and compatible with maternity, so the girl is not going to return to lawyer’s job. Portrait is the second Anna’s favorite genre, because we are the nature. Making one post a day in spite of being busy is a sacred cause for her. Nevertheless, just anything does not appear in Anna’s gallery.
The main qualities of Anna as a photographer are responsibility and perfectionism with respect to her work. By this very reason Anna doesn’t have any video in her account – perfecting and choosing of editing joints takes a lot of time. Anna says she haven’t had a purpose to become popular. She just wanted to create something her own, original and of high quality. But if it is liked by many people it is worth continuing taking photos not only for herself, but also for them. There are lots of ideas, and the ability to turn them into life is the true talent. ( By Anastasiia Maximchuk from THE PEOPLE www.the-people.com )