
No other country provides such generous terms of parental leave as Sweden. The current system allows parents to stay at home with their child during 480 days in total – while receiving an allowance from the State. Out of these 480 days, sixty must be taken by the father or else are lost. Legislation is underway to reserve another thirty days for paternity leave. The purpose of this allocation is to improve gender equality. In order to promote a more equal sharing of parental leave between men and women, a so called equality bonus has also been introduced. The more days that are shared between parents, the higher the bonus. A couple may receive up to 1 500 euro in bonus. In spite of the generous allowance and bonus – unique in their kind – only a fraction of Sweden’s dads use all their sixty days of parental leave. Even fewer parents choose to share the days equally between mother and father. Johan Bävman’s photo project builds on portraits of dads on paternity leave that are among those that have chosen to stay at home with their child for longer time then the average fathers. Length of Parental leave 480 days. Paid leave at almost 80 % of employee’s monthly salary for 390 days (max 3 161 euros/ month) after that, 20 euros/day. In Sweden, one parent can take all parental leave days except 60 days, which must be taken by the other parent. If parents share parent leave, they receive a so-called equality bonus of up to 1500 euros/year. In both countries dads have the right to two weeks of leave after the birth of a child. In Sweden, all employees have the right to reduce their working hours for parental leave, even for a child over one year of age. Parents have the right to stay home with sick children and receive almost 80 % of their salary. ( © – Instituteartist.com )

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