KA 56 – The Foldable Helicopter


After dropping a ton of money on a single-passenger helicopter, you suddenly realize that you have nowhere to store the bloody thing. Shame you bought the wrong one. You would have been better off opting for the KA-56, a portable helicopter that can actually be completely folded up and stored inside of a cylinder. It’s not the tiniest or lightest of cylinders, but it certainly helps not having those rotors pointing in every which direction. You could put an eye out! You might need some help lugging your personal flying machine around, though, because it tips the scales at 485 pounds. At least you don’t need to pedal as the 40hp air-cooled rotary engine will get you around at speeds as high as 68mph. And it’s got a 93 mile range too. The daily commute to work just got a little more interesting. ( Source: Mobilemag.com )



