Berlin is soon to become home to something truly unique. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are planning to build a house of worship here – one that brings a synagogue, a church, and a mosque together under one roof. The three separate sections will be linked by a communal room in the center of the building. This will serve as a meeting place, where worshippers and members of the public can come together and learn more about the religions and each other.
The incredible initiative is led in Berlin since 2010, by rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin, imam of Turkish origin Kadir Sanci and minister Gregor Hohberg : collect funds, to gather in the same place of worship three monotheist religions, and bring together in that way Jewish, Christian and Muslim. This admirable project is called House of One, and is already located on Google Maps. Built on the foundations of the first Berlin church, Petrikirche, this place in three dimensions wants to give with every religion an equal place. The donation is today more than a million euros, a big sum today which proves that it’s not only a utopia. Let us hope that the funds will reach the 43 million euros necessary for the construction. For more information or to donate, do not hesitate to visit the link below the video.