An Israeli restaurant knows the quickest way to most peoples’ hearts is through their stomachs, and so has employed an ingenious method to inspire more diversity in its establishment by offering an unbeatable discount. As Newsweek reports, the Hummus Bar, located in the town of Kfar Vitkin – near the coastal city of Netanya, is offering a 50% discount on hummus to tables seating both Arab and Jewish diners. Kobi Tzafrir, the owner of the restaurant, issued the offer in a Hebrew-language Facebook Post. He wrote that the Hummus Bar serves human beings and does not discriminate against Jews or Arabs. “With us we don’t have Arabs! But we also don’t have Jews… With us we’ve got human beings! Real excellent Arab hummus! Excellent Jewish falafel!” he wrote. The light-hearted offer is a way to invite peaceful coexistence between Arabs and Jews in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
If you’re up-to-date on current events, you’ll know that there’s been quite a bit of tension since last summer’s seven-week Gaza conflict. However, the Hummus Bar is doing a magnificent job at de-escalating the tension and creating an atmosphere for relaxation. The original post, which also offered “a free refill for every serving of hummus, whether you’re Arab, Jewish, Christian, Indian, etc…” has already been shared nearly 2,000 times!
Tzafrir has served a number of Jewish-Arab tables every day since posting the offer on Facebook, reports The Times of Israel. And because the 50% discount has been so successful, the owner recently posted a challenge to the restaurant’s social media page asking all Israeli restaurants to initiate similar and promote peace.
“If there’s anything that can bring together these peoples, it’s hummus,” Tzafrir said. Tzafrir was inspired to make the offer to show another side to relations between Arabs and Jews. He also hopes the gesture will bring people together and inspire them to re-think the way they respond to intolerance from extreme sections of Arabs and Jews within the country. Arab Israelis presently make up 20 percent of Israel’s population. “It started because of the situation,”
Tzafrir told Newsweek via phone. “I hear about what everybody hears in the situation and I think this has gotten out of proportion. All of the bad things that you hear. I want to tell the world that the situation is not like that and that it is not like this in all of Israel. Maybe in Jerusalem and other places, you can see more of the tension, but the rest of Israel lives in peace and harmony. The Jewish and the Arabs and everybody here.” ( By Amanda Froelich ftom – Note: This article is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and )