Views Of McDonald's Restaurants As McDonald's Japan Investigates Nuggets From Cargill's Thai Unit

McDonald’s may be attempting to win over consumers with their new transparency campaign, but this video caught by an undercover investigator reveals footage the company will most definitely not want to go viral. As MercyForAnimals shares, a major chicken supplier for both McDonald’s and Tyson Foods has been caught on film deeply abusing chickens. In this graphic and deeply disturbing video, factory farm workers can allegedly be seen beating the chickens with spikes, breaking their necks by stomping on their heads, and much, much more… McDonald’s is not only losing profit and consumer support (forcing the company to close 700 store locations), it’s failing to address pressing concerns to do with creations offered, as well as the treatment of animals in factory farms.


From toxic chemical compounds in the company’s fast food, to the sourcing of eggs and poultry from feces-laden fast farms: McDonald’s is exampling the ‘food paradigm’ informed individuals are working very hard to move away from. The recent video investigation reportedly certifies that the company (and Tyson foods) does not have consumer interest or animal welfare in mind and is feeding present customers the worst level of factory-farmed meat available.


Factory farm workers stabbing chickens to death with spikes and squashing their skulls is beyond inhumane, it’s near sadistic. And THIS is the type of abuse you – or anyone you know – supports when you order from McDonalds or buy from Tyson. Just one more reason to opt for organic, local, and sustainably grown food, and STOP supporting companies more keen to collect profit than deliver products of integrity. ( Source: Trueactivist.com )
