Steve Hanson, Jonny Biggins and Jason Bramley (all in their mid 40’s) decided to honor their mothers and Anna Jarvis, the founder of the Mother’s Day, by “becoming pregnant”. For 10 days they have been wearing 33lb (15kg) suits, which started to cause pains and effect their moods. The 3 Men decided to wear them for a month and document their experiences. For Jason Bramley this task has been more difficult as his wife and 10 month baby are currently away, leaving him a single pregnant dad. After the first weekend spent alone and pregnant, Jason said he started to really miss his wife and son and the wonderful chaos that he brings to life. For Steve and Jonny it was a little bit easier, as their families are here. However, their wives felt slightly embarrassed when men were wearing their suits in public. They may not be experiencing everything as pregnant women do, there is no hormone imbalance, no swollen ankles, and no bleeding, but they are learning about what their wives and mothers went through. That was the point – a better understanding of something that makes you a better person. “What started as a meeting about improving The Book of Mums, a personalised book that celebrates anyones and everyones mum became something very different” – Jason Bramley. “I wonder why pregnant women don’t use wheelchairs. I have a chair in the office with wheels, this is a blessing.” – Steve. ( Source: – More info at )