As crazy as it is to imagine drinking contaminated water everyday, it’s even crazier when you realize that so many people spend the majority of their time just looking for it. World Vision is an amazing organization doing great things in Zambia and all over the world. 50% of rural Zambians lack access to clean water, and 1 out of every 12 children die before the age of 5. This water project will dramatically change life in four communities in desperate need. “I am looking forward to a day when a new well will be drilled near my home because I will no longer be sick or miss school,” says Miriam, age 9.
Children like Miriam often walk hours each day, just to fetch water that may make them sick, or even kill them. This project includes 133 new and rehabilitated water points, 1600 sanitation facilities, and 117 communities and schools trained in hygiene, and the formation of 117 local water committees. These committees are equipped to maintain the water points and trained to use a fee collection system to pay for repairs, which helps ensure clean water lasts for generations to come.
This project is part of our goal to provide clean, safe water to one million new people this year. Please join us and share in the celebration as we bring you photos and reports that show exactly how lives are being changed forever by your donation. Just watch the movie here below shot and edited by Janssen Powers. To learn more about their effort to bring Zambia clean water or to donate just visit the link after.