
It’s a small, 14-seat shop run by a husband and wife duo that is only open 11:00 – 14:30 Mon-Sat. If you get there when they open, you’ll wait in line. If you get there early and get in when they open, you’ll still wait for food as they make every plate of curry as it’s ordered. There’s only one pot of curry for the day so they may close early (earliest I’ve seen them cut off the line was at 12:30). They have five choices for your curry, but really, you only ever need to order 気まぐれ (or set C, or as I like to translate it “whimsical curry”). If meat isn’t your thing, then they do have a veggie-only curry as well. But assuming you’re a C-set sort of person… Let me walk you through the above. In the fore you see several juicy, freshly fried pieces of kara-age (Japanese-style fried chicken). To the right you see atu-age and hijiki, or fried tofu and a type of black seaweed respectively. Resting on top is a bit of grilled pepper and to the right, falling towards the curry is grilled egg plant. To the back left are several strips of tonkatsu, or fried breaded pork, and just peeking out from behind the tonkatsu at the back lip of the bowl is medamayaki, or a sunny-side up egg.


This picture is a bit old, but they have now added some fried cabbage as well. The picture doesn’t really give you a size reference… but it’s huge. I struggle to finish. In fact, most people I have taken there have struggled to finish. Heck, here’s another picture – a bit more intimate. Pardon my drool. The best part about this? It’s only 700 yen. (If for some reason you just crawled your way back to civilization after being stranded on some uninhabited island for months on end, you can always get oo-mori [large portion] for an additional 100 yen. Then again, eating that much food after nearly starving probably isn’t good for you… It would be best to order sukuname [the ‘u’ between the ‘s’ and ‘k’ is almost silent], or small portion [of rice – you still get all the fixings]). Little Shop Curry is located in the backstreets of Shibuya. ( By Andrew Fleury from )