Now skateboarders can get in on the action too, with the help of the Longboard Stroller by Quinny and Studio Peter van Riet. The Longboard Stroller is, as its name suggests, essentially a skateboard with the child-carrying portion of a stroller bolted on. Setting aside the myriad moral and safety issues, it appears to work as expected, and providing your offspring isn’t the nervous type, should be up to the task of challenging any nearby Buggy Strollers to a race. Whether the concept is lunacy or genius is certainly up for debate, but the Longboard Stroller impressed the judges at last year’s OVAM Ecodesign Awards enough for stroller manufacturer Quinny to snag an award and €2,000 (around US$2,600). As the Longboard Stroller is still firmly in the research and development phase, Quinny isn’t presently providing much in the way of hard facts, such as a release date or price. ( By Adam Williams from ) You can check out the prototype unit in action in the video below.