There might not be flying cars or commercial space travel yet, but there is Motörhead’s “Ace of Spades” being covered by robots. These machines have charisma, look awesome, and play all of the instruments, not just bass. And while it looks like there are only three robots playing, there’s actually a fourth smaller one handling the high hat to go along with the four-armed Mikkey Dee impersonator. Apparently Compressorhead is an actual thing, although their website wouldn’t load, which is really ironic when you think about it. The band, which consists of “guitarist” Fingers, “bassist” Bones and drummer “Stickboy” will be playing Australia’s Big Day Out festival alongside a bunch of bands that aren’t robots. Put on headphones, increase the volume, and prepare yourself to watch four robots play a stirring rendition of the classic anthem ‘Ace of Spades,’ originally by Motorhead.