“If one day you’ll see me old, if I dirty when I eat and I can not get dressed…Be patient, remember the time I spent to teach you. If when I speak with you and I will always say the same things, do not interrupt me…listen to me, when you were little I had to tell you the same story every night until you fall asleep. When I don’t want to wash myself don’t blame me ashamed…remember when I had to run after you inventing excuses why you didn’t want to take a bath. When you see my ignorance on new technologies, give me the necessary time and not look at me with that wry smile… I had all the patience to teach you the ABC, and when at some point I can not remember or I lose my train of thought… give me the time to remember…I’m not trying to annoy you…the most important thing is not what I say but my need to be with you and having you there to listen to me. When my tired legs don’t allow me to hold your hand do not treat me like I was a burden, come to me with your strong hands in the same way I did with you when you were moving your first steps. When I say that I would be dead…do not get angry one day you will understand what leads me to say that. Try to understand that at my age you do not live, but survive. One day you will find that in spite of my mistakes I’ve always wanted the best for you. Give me a bit ‘of your time, give me a little’ for your patience, give me a shoulder to rest his head in the same way I did for you. Help me walk, help me to end my days with love and patience. In return I will give you a smile and the immense love I have always had for you. I love you my son”…