Dan Hipp is an American cartoonist whose graphic novels include the epic revenge series GYAKUSHU!, as well as the super-natural, rock, adventure series THE AMAZING JOY BUZZARDS, both of which have been translated and published in other countries. His work can be seen in the BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE “DOOM DIMENSION” graphic novels, which he illustrated. His artwork has appeared in DC Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Tokyopop, and Del Rey Books. Currently he’s an art director at Warner Brothers Animation. When not working on professional assignments, coaching Water Polo and/or training to survive the zombie apocalypse, Hipp fills his blog with his wonderfully colorful, energetic and in-your-face drawings of characters from comics, movies, games and other aspects of pop culture. His takes on the characters are usually wacky and imaginative and he often combines multiple references to add to the creative delight, including mashups and routine zombifications. His images employ large areas of bright but almost monochromatic color, against which smaller passages of contrasting color shine out. He embellishes his linework with areas of darks or textures and cranks it all up to 10 with his great sense of comic exaggeration.