Using Photoshop to make actresses and models look unrealistically attractive is bad enough. Using it to make a part of the world that has enough problems as it is look even more apocalyptic ! The Kronen Zeitung is Austria’s largest newspaper, with a daily readership of around three million people. Some time ago, readers were treated to the image on the left of war-torn Aleppo, bombed out and desperate. Except, as one sharp-eyed reader,  points out, that wasn’t the scene at all. It was just another Photoshop job. Just to be clear, the family in the photograph is, in fact, in Syria; the original photo (on the right) came from the European Pressphoto Agency. But merely fleeing a city ravaged by guns and mortars apparently isn’t quite dramatic enough on its own. The editors of the Krone – as it’s commonly called – needed this baby to sing. No comments…