“WILL YOU”: The First Tiffany & Co’s Campaign Featuring Seven Scenes Of Couples Included Also Gay


The 143-year-old jewelry company Tiffany & Co. has featured a gay couple in an ad campaign for the first time ever. The new “Will You?” campaign, shot by fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh, features seven scenes of couples. There is one scene, however, that has garnered the most attention out of them all — because it features a same-sex couple. The pair is shown sitting on a stoop in New York City; one is gazing at the other lovingly, while the other holds onto his leg. Best part yet? They’re not faking it. They’re actually a couple in real life, Tiffany spokeswoman Linda Buckley told CNN.


I know what you’re thinking — how could one couple be so attractive? And neither of them are actually models. Definitely unfair. But the company is not necessarily revolutionary in its use of a same-sex couple for a campaign, as companies like Banana Republic and Target have already done it, but Tiffany is definitely helping to set a new standard for depictions of love. “Nowadays, the road to marriage is no longer linear,” Buckley said. “True love can happen more than once with love stories coming in a variety of forms.” The rest of the images display couples in your typical romantic settings: on a rooftop, driving in a convertible, at a candle-lit dinner, on a sofa, and out on the streets in the rain.


However, one other image stands out: a couple on their wedding day with their child, which, the company says, is a nod to couples having children out of wedlock, an increasingly common occurrence in today’s society. With this ad, the cliché of the little girl dreaming of some day being handed that signature blue box by her Prince Charming is being turned on its head. That little girl might instead dream of the day her girlfriend proposes. We’re sure Audrey Hepburn, in her sleek black dress and chunky pearls, is smiling, wherever she is. ( By Emi Boscamp from Mindbodygreen.com Photo © – Tiffany & Co. )

