It is a beautiful Italian story of the retired teacher Antonio La Cava from Ferrandina (Italy) that runs the villages of Basilicata on his “Bibliomotocarro” to promote reading. And the kids are waiting for him with enthusiasm. Antonio, bought a used Ape motorbike from Piaggio, he has modified it, filled it with books and called Bibliomotocarro. Every week he turn the villages of Basilicata and announce his arriving by the sound of an organ. In the squares children are waiting for him. “They borrow books and sit on a step to browse. It creates a magical atmosphere. “Before leaving, he opened his own “White Paper Book “. Children write inside whatever they want, stories or personal narratives. “When I return it, the book falls into the hands of other children that continue the story or write others. And they are always wonderful stories. “Each month Antonio runs about 500 kilometers and transmits to the smaller the passion for reading. Our Congratulations Antonio!